We are specialised in the design and installation of electricity meters that allow you to keep track of the electric energy that you use. Conventionally, utillity companies had to position the meters where they could easily access them in order to prepare relevant bills. Our solution enables the meter to be positioned at the customers convenience. We offer both single and three phase metering solutions. Further, we customize metering to suit your requirement both locally and internationally.
Lectrotel Microsystems® offers payment solutions for prepaid electricity metering systems for business and residential installation. Recent changes in the liberalized energy sector have seen large businesses and real estate establishments buying power in bulk from the utility company ,then redistributing and reselling it to desired units. As these establishments inject other sources like solar or standby generators to bridge reliability gaps of the utility company services, they will have to pass the costs to their clients.
For electricity sub metering ,prepaid metering and billing systems offer the best revenue collection possibilities. Power consumption is based on advance payments in which when the power units bought are used up, supply is disconnected. Our solution offers token purchase, an accounting management system that generate’s reports, statements and other consumption and payment data for the meter. Lectrotel Microsystems® offers a more convenient mobile application for token purchases, in addition to office based point of sale resident at the management office.
Key Features
- Mpesa payment option
- Token vending via SMS, online web platform or using a mobile app .
- System management with the possibility to adjust tariffs, manage billing, managing transactional records and account management .
This alternative allows our customer to use whatever amount of electric energy that they require then payment is made after a stipulated time elaps. A one month time frame is commonly used. This method removes the burden of worrying on getting cash for the electricity service daily.
Key Features
- Mpesa payment option
- Token vending via SMS, online web platform or using a mobile app .
- System management with the possibility to adjust tariffs, manage billing, managing transactional records and account management .